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 anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier

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José Miguel
António José da Silva
8 participantes
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 19 2016, 17:02

Since I know Paulo Marcelo, he repeatedly emphasized that he prefers listening through headphones by far. Many years ago I did myself a lot of listening with headphones, mainly because we lived in an appartment then. I acqured over the time 3 different setups: a Sennheiser HD580 Jubilee with Brocksieper EARMAX, a Stax SRM Gamma with one of the larger Stax transistor amplifiers and an AKG K1000, I used at various power amplifiers. But unfortunately I never found a single setup which could completely satisfy. I loved the silky smoothness and the bass of Sennheiser, the transparency of the Stax and the spaciousness and dynamic attack of the K1000 equally. Finally, when we moved to our own house with a dedicated listening room, I sold all the headphone equipment except the HD 580 Jubilee.

Since then I used headphones almost only mobile on the go until Paulo announced some time ago his latest development from anTiTon, the enFase headphone amplifier. Because I considered anyway to reactivate my headphone activities I ordered immediately one of the first devices.
When the enFase arrived a few weeks ago and I listened to him for the first time, I was completely flashed.

The combination with HD 580 exceeded my not exactly low expectations by far and I had to force myself on that night to go finally to bed that night. Unbelievable what the small device elicited from the Sennheiser!
And even now, after weeks with the enFase I'm not really able to characterize it's sound. I had no idea how transparent, dynamic and effortless the Sennheiser could play and not which control, precision and power in the bass were possible.
Whether the subtle tones of old music, the infinite range of dynamic shades of a grand piano, the majestic force of a symphony orchestra or the differentiation of a large choir, which is all reproduced entirely credible and stressless. But also rock music and electronic music sounds absolutely intoxicating and develops a sudden unexpected range of subtle shades.
Although the enFase omits no detail and sounds incredible immediade, he never tends to artificially "analytical" or edginess sound And therein lies the real miracle of enFase for me - that always the music is in the foreground and ordinary, not audiophile recordings can be heard with great pleasure.
How is this accomplished? The heart of the very puristic constructed enFase is Paulo's over many years continuously to perfection developed "True hybrid" circuit topology, where a tube and a transistor are used in the same amplification stage. Great emphasis is naturally placed on a clean supply voltage and all components are selected according to experience and long listening tests solely because of their sonic characteristics.

In an email to me Paulo recently wrote about what he wants to achieve with his developments. "I still believe today, that the music begins in that fragile moment between silence and the rising note. We must preserve that moment of fragility and perfectly respects the rising/dynamic/tone if we want to believe in themusic breathes. ... As I’ve always told you, micro dynamics, acceleration and tonal straightness are the fundamentals of music reproduction if we search a great listening moment ... "
These are precisely the properties according to which my desires went for decades subconsciously - and which I couldn't find (with very few exceptions) until my first visit to Paulo when I listened his system. I was immediately fascinated and since then I found these qualities in each of his creations I heard.

The enFase has only one (or two) problem, which is (perhaps in addition to the small dimensions) the pricing. At just € 550 it is probably not even perceived by a large part of the potential interest audience, which would be very unfortunate.
On the other hand for people with "normal" wages the way to the aural and especially musical nirvana is open...

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyQua Jul 20 2016, 09:23

The current impressions with enFase are made with a Henry Audio DAC as a source.

More informations about enfase:


Some pics:

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  2s6wwn6

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  2ur0375
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Mensagens : 11
Data de inscrição : 06/01/2015

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 25 2016, 12:21

mannitheear escreveu:
Since I know Paulo Marcelo, he repeatedly emphasized that he prefers listening through headphones by far.  (...)

The enFase has only one (or two) problem, which is (perhaps in addition to the small dimensions) the pricing. (...)


Indeed Man, i still prefer today (as many yesterdays ago...) the Can listening and i pratice daily that. As i told many times, for me (exception made of vinyl, that its impossible to listen with Can's) its the most intimate, nearest and perfect way of listening music and really "True HiFi" if the Can system is perfectly balanced... and today its almost something that i pratice with hedonism and became necessary and not only pleasant. The smallest wisper, is perfectly heard and putted in balance with the loudest moments of the music creating a synergy that doesn't exist like that on an "aerial" system... but maybe i'm very demanding, at least my friends think that !!!

About the enFase problems, i understand your point of view but actually they aren't really a problem and at the opposite its maybe one of his advantages. The world changes everyday and audio also... many people that i see today are searching for something new and surprising. In their lives they had big speakers, great valve amplifiers and famous vinyl and/or digital setups (as myself), and despite of that, they have been always frustrated and regularly changed some gear or the setup, and today they expect peace of mind and music, that's all... and its the only promise that i would like that anTiTon gives, cos the produts are inexpected, small, challenging or proudly at the opposite of the mainstream, but when someone listen to them... something new happens. This point it's the only thing that i'm proud of, and i'll made all my best to surprise a lot, lot more... and at the end, the size, price or technology will not be a problem for experienced audiophiles who are searching for new listening sensations and fidelity landscapes...

Thank's for your kind words about enFase and i wish you thousand hours of emotion with your Can's cheers
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 25 2016, 13:22

ANTI-T escreveu:

About the enFase problems, i understand your point of view ...

Calling the small size of enFase a "problem" was intedend to contain a bit of irony, of course. cheers

ANTI-T escreveu:

.... and today they expect peace of mind and music, that's all...

You put it straight again!

Cheers Manfred

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 08:52

Since yesterday the Sennheiser HD580 Jubilee is complemented by a Beyerdynamic DT-880 600 Ohm. First impression is a bit brighter sound but even more transparency and subtelity.
I have no Stax anymore for direct comparison but I cannot remember the electrostatic headphone sounding as utterly transparent as the enFase with my electrodynamic cans!

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 09:46

I'm real glad that you'r enjoin the amp as much as you do. ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  754215

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 11:49

mannitheear escreveu:
... Calling the small size of enFase a "problem" was intedend to contain a bit of irony, of course. cheers

I know Man, but at the same time some people here told me that but without irony... and i understand the classic audiophiles who still belive that size and height are the principles of a good amp! It needs time (infortunately a lot of time sometimes...) to plunge into the modern realism...

mannitheear escreveu:
...And even now, after weeks with the enFase I'm not really able to characterize it's sound. (...)

Its always easy to speak about sound and very difficult to speak about music reproduction... but its a good thing to say that cos now you understand how difficult is for me when you ask me how its going to sound the next one!... the worst gear to analyse are those who doesn't have sound, but reproduce music  Wink

Every time someone ask's me how i want the next product to sound, i reply: The most inaudible possible !!!  Laughing

mannitheear escreveu:
Since yesterday the Sennheiser HD580 Jubilee is complemented by a Beyerdynamic DT-880 600 Ohm. (...)

OH YES, congratulations Man  cheers  cheers  cheers ... actually i only listen the DT880 with enFase and its the Tablette RF8S of Can's... you must give them a serious burn'in and then we'll talk about musical diferences between the DT880 and the others... youll be in heaven soon !!! Cheers Man  cheers
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 15:21

António José da Silva escreveu:
I'm real glad that you'r enjoin the amp as much as you do.  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  754215

Yes, I'm very excited about the little beauty because it's in my opinion a "no more questions" device. (similar like the Brutus).

No reactions here, I suppose Portugal is in holiday or still high because of EM 2016!

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  1290056511
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 840
Data de inscrição : 18/04/2012

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 16:35

Or maybe because there is no enFase in our beautiful Portugal Rolling Eyes
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 16:53

tfonseca escreveu:
Or maybe because there is no enFase in our beautiful Portugal Rolling Eyes

I bet this could be changed....
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 18:48

mannitheear escreveu:
tfonseca escreveu:
Or maybe because there is no enFase in our beautiful Portugal Rolling Eyes

I bet this could be changed....

And because in every household, there must me at leaste 40ºC and everyone is trying to escape the heat. lol!

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 21:56

António José da Silva escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:
tfonseca escreveu:
Or maybe because there is no enFase in our beautiful Portugal Rolling Eyes

I bet this could be changed....

And because in every household, there must me at leaste 40ºC and everyone is trying to escape the heat.  lol!

That's fine, I like to use enFase outside in the garden. sunny
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Jul 26 2016, 22:02

mannitheear escreveu:

That's fine, I like to use enFase outside in the garden. sunny

In the garden is 50ºC. The only solution is our outside in the water in our inside refreshed with beer. lol!

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 13:09

Hi Man, you're still burning the DT's or just listen music ???... or perhaps already on holidays... cheers
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 13:25

Hi Paulo,

the DT is a used one (looks like new) and therefore I don't know exactly how much hours of operation it has. At the moment I don't have as much time as I want to listen to music but the DT sounds even more clear and transparent than HD. On certain recordings it's occasionally it seems still a bit hot in the treble (esses) to me.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 13:38

mannitheear escreveu:
... On certain recordings it's occasionally it seems still a bit hot in the treble (esses) to me.

I had the same with the Henry, but disappears with the Audioaéro Dac, so maybe its not the DT's !!!... and anyway that Can doesn't forgive the recording errors...


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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 14:40

Audioaero is the prototype you use currently?
What about Nosignature and/or anTiTon DAC?
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 18:05

mannitheear escreveu:
Audioaero is the prototype you use currently?
What about Nosignature and/or anTiTon DAC?
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Jb5l5w

This is the Audioaéro prototype, but i use it only when i have doubts... most of times i use the AntiDac, but the friends pick me weekly to ear on their homes, so he spendas more time with friends than with me...

The Nosignature Dac i'm still working on, but it will be listened soon Wink
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySex Jul 29 2016, 21:27

TD124 escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:

This is the Audioaéro prototype, but i use it only when i have doubts... most of times i use the AntiDac, but the friends pick me weekly to ear on their homes, so he spendas more time with friends than with me...

The Nosignature Dac i'm still working on, but it will be listened soon Wink

Yes I remember the story about the Audioaero now! Had a little amnesia at first. sunny

AntiDac vs. Audioaero sounds like David versus Goliath. Shocked
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySáb Ago 13 2016, 11:47

Now the DT880 600 Ohm disturbed me... Going back to the HD 580 Jubilee is not really an option, the latter sounds almost colored and veiled in comparison. affraid

But the DT880 shows me the deficiencies of the DAC in some recordings.
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José Miguel
Membro AAP
José Miguel

Mensagens : 9401
Data de inscrição : 16/08/2015
Idade : 42
Localização : A Norte, ainda a Norte...

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySáb Ago 13 2016, 14:22

Hi there!

I am curious...

Chain reaction - lifting your system link by link.

Problems or solution?

Can you talk more about your experience?

Thank you! Wink
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySáb Ago 13 2016, 15:28

Hi Josè,

trying to explain a bit. The enFase with HD580 sounded totally involving to me, all seemed perfect. The Sennheiser never sounded so good, silky, but transparent and full at the same time with plenty of subtle details.

The DT880 has a bit brighter sound and occasionally with some not so good recordings there is a little edginess in the treble. But when I go back from Beyerdynamic to Sennheiser, it's immediately clear that the Beyerdynamic is more revealing and goes more in the subtleties and shades of the music. Therefore I'm a bit spoiled for Sennheiser Sound.

The DT880 sounds, as Paulo described, much like the Tablette 8 Ref Sig. Indeed, there is not so much difference, it's easy to switch from speakers to cans and vice versa. But the DT 880 is so revealing, that you can hear that the Henry DAC isn't always perfectly clean in the treble. With the grounded Eden Amplifier and speakers, there is much improvement using the Regen, but the switching PSU of the Regen seems not perfectly compatible with the ungrounded enFase, so using the Regen with enFase is not much better than a direct connection.

Don't get me wrong, the Henry is really a great DAC and represents sonically a much better value than the low price suggests (better than hifi iDSD nano or MF V90 DAC), but it's not a no-compromise big DAC which nails everything perfectly down. It depends all with the rest of the system.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Ago 14 2016, 10:45

Mea culpa!

Of course the described dilemma did not leave me in peace and finally I detected a problem. With all the testing it happened that the cables got into muddle and the USB and power cords induced interfering noise into the interconnects.

When I separated the cables and looked for enough space between IC / USB / Power cords the disturbing effects disappeared almost completely. It's now good without the Regen and even better with it (as it should)!

Now I can finally enjoy the benefits of the very neutral and resolving DT 880 and enjoy the extraordinary subtle, powerful and realistic sound from enFase again!

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Nov 21 2016, 12:34

A brief update.

Initially I was very impressed by the Regen and experimented with other PSU (ifi iPower, battery). But then, I had more and more the impression that the Regen added a slight artificial layer on the music.

Meanwhile I listen the headphone system without Regen, the Henry DAC is now connected to the computer witha a short standard mini USB cable (shorter is better).

What can I say: all the problems I had initially with the DT 880 are gone! I don't know if it's a burn-in effect or something else.

(It's quite often with accessories: at first enthusiasm about the difference but in the long run, less is often more.)

In any case I'm very happy with the headphone system! I have the feeling to be closer to the music on the recordings than ever before. The enFase / DT 880 combo allows a deep insight into the music and uncovers unheard subtle details. This all is presented in a very consistent and enjoyable overall picture.

In another topic I wrote about the magical midrange of enFase / DT880 and how delicate strings can sound with it. It's due to the rare ability to reproduce the whole complex spectrum of an instrument's sound in all the richness. This applies of course for any other instrument for example electric guitars which are reproduced with clarity, finesse and unexpected beauty without losing the necessary bite.

And piano, oh my god! From the softest note where the felt hammer barely touches the strings to the percussive thunder this instrument is capable, all is reproduced without the slightest hint of stress or coloration. All the intrinsic quiet background noises like pedalwork, humming or singing along of the piano player and so on are clearly audible but perfectly blend and contribute to the overall listening experience.

If I imagine now what will happen with a matching anTiTon DAC!


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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Nov 21 2016, 12:49

Haven, you're in heaven....

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Nov 21 2016, 12:52

António José da Silva escreveu:
Haven, you're in heaven....

Briefly summarized, yes!

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  491368
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Nov 21 2016, 14:39

mannitheear escreveu:
... In any case I'm very happy with the headphone system! I have the feeling to be closer to the music on the recordings than ever before. ...

I'm not only earing beautiful music ... i'm reading also !!! Thanks for tour kind words Man cheers

We've again another horrible storm from the Cévennes ... so its MUSIC DAY to conjure !!! Rolling Eyes

A Biz Man

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 810
Data de inscrição : 08/08/2011

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Nov 27 2016, 10:31

Olá TD124.

Qual o dac da AudioAero que usas?

Um abraço,

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Nov 27 2016, 17:00

seven escreveu:
... Qual o dac da AudioAero que usas? ...

È um prototipo modificado do Capitole reference e que serviu de base para a concepção do La Fontaine media player.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 810
Data de inscrição : 08/08/2011

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Nov 27 2016, 19:03

Olá Td 124,

Obrigado pela resposta! Muito interessante.

O som que mais me marcou até hoje tinha como fonte um Audio Aero Capitole mkII (imagino o que seria com um bom GD ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  936335 .

Nunca ouvi o Capitole Reference, tu já ouviste o mkII que tem os dacs da AD em vez dos BurrBrown? Como é que comparas o som dos dois?

Eu já estive três vezes mesmo mesmo a comprar um DAC deles (em segunda mão) acabei por não conseguir fazer os dois negócios apenas por razões logísticas - um estava em Viena e o outro em Toronto, e perdi um terceiro no ebay porque net falhou precisamente na última licitação - AAAARRGHH! -

e continuo à procura...

Se decidires vender, avisa!

Mas se me pudesses tentar descrever como se comparam os actuais com o mk2 era uma gramde ajuda!

Uma última pergunta, sabes se ainda existe a AudioAero?


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Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Nov 29 2016, 08:17

seven escreveu:
... Mas se me pudesses tentar descrever como se comparam os actuais com o mk2 era uma grande ajuda!

Uma última pergunta, sabes se ainda existe a AudioAero? ...

O Capitole reference utilisa o dac DSD1792 da Texas Instruments (BB) que era o dac mais desenvolvido da época (2008) e que açeita o DSD. O som é muito preciso e fino nos micro-sinais e a dinamica é muito superior. O aparelho continua a ter o som equilibrado e elegante que caracterisa os grandes Audioaéro !!!...

A marca deixou de existir hà quatro anos atràs ... eu trabalhei muito com eles pois desenhei os andares de saida e o patrão vive perto da minha casa e somos bons amigos, mas a marca vai repartir um destes dias!!!

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Mensagens : 810
Data de inscrição : 08/08/2011

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyQua Nov 30 2016, 10:29

Obrigado pela resposta e parabéns pelo andar de saída pois terá certamente importância no fabuloso som dos AA...

Dizem que os AD1855 têm um som mais quente, achas que sim?


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Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Dez 25 2016, 16:17

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  KH1
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  KH2
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  DT880
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EnFase
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Mensagens : 11
Data de inscrição : 06/01/2015

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyDom Dez 25 2016, 17:00

Beautiful photos Man ... and one more from Françoise's system !!!...
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  2wg4x9h
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Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 31 2017, 16:06

Here the enFase is complemented also by an antiDac, as in the photo above.

And it's still a very miraculous system with surprises guaranteed.

Last week I was on a short business trip and in the evening I watched a crazy movie on the laptop. I listened through Sennheiser CX 3.00 IEM on the laptop and the sound was good. nothing to complain.
But I had the enFase / antiDac / DT 880 with me for the evening in the hotel room and after 45 minutes or so I decided to listen the second half of the movie through the anTiTon system.
And I was astonished, suddenly I was completely drawn into the movie, only because the ' big ' system presented the well made soundtrack in a very natural and engaging way.

Of couse later I listened to music and it was a great pleasure too!


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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 31 2017, 16:40

mannitheear escreveu:
(...) Last week I was on a short business trip and in the evening I watched a crazy movie on the laptop. ... But I had the enFase / antiDac / DT 880 with me ...
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Ant10

I suppose that you've already one of these accessories !!! affraid

Cheers Man cheers
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 31 2017, 20:42

TD124 escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:
(...) Last week I was on a short business trip and in the evening I watched a crazy movie on the laptop. ... But I had the enFase / antiDac / DT 880 with me ...
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Ant10

I suppose that you've already one of these accessories !!! affraid

Cheers Man cheers

Not yet, i've only a normal suitcase. Who needs clothes when you can have music ??? Orquestra
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3791
Data de inscrição : 04/12/2011
Idade : 65
Localização : Freiria - Torres Vedras

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Jul 31 2017, 20:56

mannitheear escreveu:
Here the enFase is complemented also by an antiDac, as in the photo above.

And it's still a very miraculous system with surprises guaranteed.

Last week I was on a short business trip and in the evening I watched a crazy movie on the laptop. I listened through Sennheiser CX 3.00 IEM on the laptop and the sound was good. nothing to complain.
But I had the enFase / antiDac / DT 880 with me for the evening in the hotel room and after 45 minutes or so I decided to listen the second half of the movie through the anTiTon system.
And I was astonished, suddenly I was completely drawn into the movie, only because the ' big ' system presented the well made soundtrack in a very natural and engaging way.

Of couse later I listened to music and it was a great pleasure too!


Man, sure you can not even complain, because only few can afford to have this convenience when they travel. Lucky you ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  491368

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 01 2017, 06:34

I use the enFase also at home and the antiDac servese very well as main DAC in the home sytem.
If we talk about prices both anTiTon components are actually quite cheap for the very high level of sound they offer. And if we consider the level of originality and that they are handcrafted in Europe, they are really bargains.

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  1290056511
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3791
Data de inscrição : 04/12/2011
Idade : 65
Localização : Freiria - Torres Vedras

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 01 2017, 09:04

mannitheear escreveu:
I use the enFase also at home and the antiDac servese very well as main DAC in the home sytem.
If we talk about prices both anTiTon components are actually quite cheap for the very high level of sound they offer. And if we consider the level of originality and that they are handcrafted in Europe, they are really bargains.

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  1290056511

Yeah! ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  491368
I don't know about prices but... I'm sure about that. ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  22692 I had the enFase a couple of weeks ago for an audition one week long and I would testify this CanAmp is one of the top 5 audio equipment I've ever heard in recent times ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  754215
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 01 2017, 09:50

Goansipife escreveu:
Yeah!  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  491368
I don't know about prices but... I'm sure about that.  ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  22692  I had the enFase a couple of weeks ago for an audition one week long and I would testify this CanAmp is one of the top 5 audio equipment I've  ever heard in recent times ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  754215

Now I'm VERY curious what the other 4 are? bounce
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3791
Data de inscrição : 04/12/2011
Idade : 65
Localização : Freiria - Torres Vedras

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 01 2017, 10:25

Every year, I also have the top 5 audio equipments elected for myself as the best ones.

It's a kind of Outstanding Equipment heard over a year relating price & benefict & My Sound Quality perception

This year, until now, the nominiees are:

- Marantz HD-DAC1
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Hd-dac10

- AnTiTon enFase CanAmp
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Img_0712

- Rega Isis Valve
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Isis-v10

- Byerdynamic DT 880 Headphones

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Beyerd10

- Denon PMA-2500NE Integrated Amplifier

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  51_pma10

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 01 2017, 12:15

Goansipife escreveu:
Every year, I also have the top 5 audio equipments elected for myself as the best ones.

It's a kind of  Outstanding Equipment heard over a year relating price & benefict & My Sound Quality perception

This year, until now, the nominiees are:

- Marantz HD-DAC1
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Hd-dac10

- AnTiTon enFase CanAmp
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Img_0712

- Rega Isis Valve
ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Isis-v10

- Byerdynamic DT 880 Headphones

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Beyerd10

- Denon PMA-2500NE Integrated Amplifier

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  51_pma10

Thx, indeed a very personal nomination "best of"!
I've heard from the list only the enFase and DT-880.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Ago 12 2019, 08:35

After 3 years my enthusiasm for the enFase is still as big as before. Since a year or so it doesn't only power the cans but even serves me as a formidable preamp! Because it has only one input, I use a external high quality cinch switchbox from Dodocus.

And I think I have found now "my" can - the Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro!

The DT  1990 Pro is beautifully and very sturdy made and comes with two sets of ear pads, the "balanced" with slight emphasis on the bass for recreational listening and the "analytical" with a very neutral sound.
But the DT 1990 has enough bass even with the analytical pads and the bass quality is extraordinary good: tuneful, musical and very powerful and energetic, if it's on the recording. And it goes very deep!

The whole sound signature is very resolving with great clarity and excellent sense for timbres and harmonical structures. What makes the picture complete is the most palpable three-dimensionality of all headphones i know, perhaps a lucky match of my ears anatomy with these cans.

I have heard the DT 1990 about half a year ago in a hifi shop but did not realize then their entire quality, because then they sounded very energetic and powerful but ever so slightly veiled and grainy. Such a signature is not at all related to these cans which are the opposite of veield and grainy, but extremely open and transparent! It might be a indication that they want to be paired with a competent source and amp.

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  20190710

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  843159
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3791
Data de inscrição : 04/12/2011
Idade : 65
Localização : Freiria - Torres Vedras

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Ago 12 2019, 09:13

mannitheear escreveu:
After 3 years my enthusiasm for the enFase is still as big as before. Since a year or so it doesn't only power the cans but even serves me as a formidable preamp! Because it has only one input, I use a external high quality cinch switchbox from Dodocus.

And I think I have found now "my" can - the Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro!

The DT  1990 Pro is beautifully and very sturdy made and comes with two sets of ear pads, the "balanced" with slight emphasis on the bass for recreational listening and the "analytical" with a very neutral sound.
But the DT 1990 has enough bass even with the analytical pads and the bass quality is extraordinary good: tuneful, musical and very powerful and energetic, if it's on the recording. And it goes very deep!

The whole sound signature is very resolving with great clarity and excellent sense for timbres and harmonical structures. What makes the picture complete is the most palpable three-dimensionality of all headphones i know, perhaps a lucky match of my ears anatomy with these cans.

I have heard the DT 1990 about half a year ago in a hifi shop but did not realize then their entire quality, because then they sounded very energetic and powerful but ever so slightly veiled and grainy. Such a signature is not at all related to these cans which are the opposite of veield and grainy, but extremely open and transparent! It might be a indication that they want to be paired with a competent source and amp.

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  20190710

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  843159

Great Man.
I'm happy for your happiness. The enFase is absolutely a great Can Amp indeed. I haven't had an opportunity to meet the DT 1990 yet but I'm convinced they do a great match ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  22692
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Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Ago 12 2019, 09:59

Thx Gonçalo!
If you are interested in cans, I can only recommend to try listen the DT 1990. At Beyerdynamic it is available for 389 € as B-Stock, but I have found mine used in near mint condition for even much less.
But compared to other cans it would be even worth the RRP of 600 €.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3791
Data de inscrição : 04/12/2011
Idade : 65
Localização : Freiria - Torres Vedras

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptySeg Ago 12 2019, 10:20

mannitheear escreveu:
Thx Gonçalo!
If you are interested in cans, I can only recommend to try listen the DT 1990. At Beyerdynamic it is available for 389 € as B-Stock, but I have found mine used in near mint condition for even much less.
But compared to other cans it would be even worth the RRP of 600 €.

Thx Manfred

In fact I need to listen other cans. I'm a rookie in cans matters but my next bet will be in enFase as far as much I have money available to convince Paulo to make one for me
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 13 2019, 15:57

mannitheear escreveu:
... And I think I have found now "my" can - the Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro!

... The whole sound signature is very resolving with great clarity and excellent sense for timbres and harmonical structures. What makes the picture complete is the most palpable three-dimensionality of all headphones i know, perhaps a lucky match of my ears anatomy with these cans. ...

Well Man ... i must take a look to these 1990 Pro! They use Tesla drivers it seems and the cups are metallic and not in plastic ... its right?...

They seem to make a great symbiosis with enFase ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  843159
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 13 2019, 18:38

TD124 escreveu:

Well Man ... i must take a look to these 1990 Pro! They use Tesla drivers it seems and the cups are metallic and not in plastic ... its right?...

They seem to make a great symbiosis with enFase ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  843159

Yes they seem to have the sound characteristic I have searched for. More energetic and impact than the DT 880, especially in the bass. And more forward sounding than the T1. To me they seem pretty transparent and work with almost all music I have tried, only the thin and bright sound of classic Pretenders albums on Qobuz they could not rescue ;-)   They have Tesla drivers (250 Ohms) and metallic cups. According to these information the driver housing of the DT drivers (DT 1770, DT 1990 and Amiron have the same drivers) is made from resin, while the T1 driver housing is made of metal: : https://europe.beyerdynamic.com/tesla-technology
BTW, the prices on the German pages are much lower! (449 € and 389 € for B-stock).

Can you listen to them in your region? If not, I can send you mine for a couple of weeks if you want. Perhaps it would be interesting to compare them to T-90 and/or Amiron.

Biz, Paulo!
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  EmptyTer Ago 13 2019, 20:43

mannitheear escreveu:
... Can you listen to them in your region? If not, I can send you mine for a couple of weeks if you want. Perhaps it would be interesting to compare them to T-90 and/or Amiron. ...

I'll try to make a listening here in a shop! Pat have the T90's and is a very complicated Can: Cristalclear, very fast and transparent, analitic but it lack's a bit of materia, breathe and softness ... indeed a very complicated Can !!!

Biz Man cheers
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MensagemAssunto: Re: anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier    ANTITON - anTiTon enFase hybrid headphone amplifier  Empty

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