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 Great value power amp

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3 participantes
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Great value power amp Empty
MensagemAssunto: Great value power amp   Great value power amp EmptyTer Mar 04 2014, 08:13

Great sound and value offer the ICEAmp series which is sold by german company Quint Audio.
There are 4 different models available from  50W stereo up to 420 W mono, as kit or ready assembled.
I have the tried the ICEAmp 3, which has 2x125W 4 Ohm and costs 319 € as kit. (Ready assembled 429 €).

The amp is based on the famous Class D ICE modules from B&O which are normally only available as OEM products. ICE modules are used for example in ME Geithains famous active 800 series monitors.

I don't want to make many words, buth the sound of this little beast is almost unbelievable. Controlled, relaxed and smooth but resolving the finest detail. It offers rhythm, plenty attack and a big, ultrastable soundstage.
They are not good for the money, they are good and can please even listeners which prefer normally valve amplifiers.

The only downside for me is, that this Amp should be paired with a active preamp of the same high quality!

Here are some details:

Pricelist (german only): http://quint-audio.com/qaudio/files/preisliste_iceamp_1-4.pdf
Data Sheet (german only): http://quint-audio.com/qaudio/files/iceamp_2.pdf
A photo from the Quint web site: Great value power amp Index.php?rex_resize=300w__iceamp_3

The assembling of the amps is not very complicated, but require a litte experience in electronics. The internal wiring is crimped, and the crimping of the thin signal wires was (for me) a PITA, so I resoldered the bonds as a precaution.
Next time I would ask for ready crimped cables...

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Great value power amp Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Great value power amp   Great value power amp EmptyTer Mar 04 2014, 12:07

Thanks for sharing!! ...

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Great value power amp Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Great value power amp   Great value power amp EmptyTer Mar 04 2014, 14:12

Great sound for small money, are always welcome news.  Great value power amp 754215 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Great value power amp 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Great value power amp Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Great value power amp   Great value power amp Empty

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Great value power amp
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